9. People Believe that Things that are Close Together Belong Together


1. How people see (9. Things that are Close Together Belong Together) Mind Map on 9. People Believe that Things that are Close Together Belong Together, created by Alena Niadzelka on 28/03/2018.
Alena Niadzelka
Mind Map by Alena Niadzelka, updated more than 1 year ago
Alena Niadzelka
Created by Alena Niadzelka about 6 years ago

Resource summary

9. People Believe that Things that are Close Together Belong Together
  1. If you want items (pictures, photos, headings, or text) to be seen as belonging together, then put them in close proximity.
    1. Before you use lines or boxes to separate items or group them together, try experimenting with the amount of space between them first. Sometimes changing the spacing is sufficient, and you’ll be reducing the visual noise of the page.
      1. Put more space between items that don’t go together and less space between items that do. This sounds like common sense, but many Web page layouts ignore this idea.
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