Technology and Education


Mind Map on Technology and Education, created by Fisnik Islami on 09/19/2014.
Fisnik Islami
Mind Map by Fisnik Islami, updated more than 1 year ago
Fisnik Islami
Created by Fisnik Islami over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Technology and Education
  1. V.L.E Virtual Learning Environment
    1. Resources
      1. Files
        1. Create a mind map
          1. Upload work
        2. Recive updates on Homework
          1. Notice Board
            1. Allows sharing information
          2. Benifit
            1. Allows you to work outside of the class room
              1. Can access the work from a portable device
                1. Allows you to revise
                2. Presentaion
                  1. Videos
                    1. Work at your own paste
                      1. You can work at home
                        1. At whatever time 24/7
                          1. If you are absent from school
                  2. Email
                    1. Contacting teachers
                      1. Recive Homework notices
                        1. Getting Help
                          1. Parents can email techers to recive news about their son/daughter
                        2. User generated websites
                          1. Examples:
                            1. Wikipedia
                                1. Yahoo Answers
                                2. Benifits
                                  1. Allows the student to gain infromation
                                3. Spyware Programm
                                  1. Teacher can track Students progress
                                  2. User forums
                                    1. Formal meetings of Users of a service or product to identify their views on relevant aspects, including Customer satisfaction, improvements/changes, usability.
                                      1. Benifits
                                        1. People can keep it up-to-date with information
                                      2. User podcasting
                                        1. Podcasting isa digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.
                                          1. Benifits
                                            1. Podcasts make information personal.
                                              1. Podcasts are convenient and easy to consume.
                                                1. Podcasts are portable.
                                            2. News Websites
                                              1. These are webpages that infrom people of news and infrmaton from around the world
                                                1. Benifits
                                                  1. Allows people to keep in touch with the world
                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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