The Media


Mind map on types, development of and ownership of the media.
Mind Map by seebeme98, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by seebeme98 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Media
  1. Types of media
    1. Traditional
      1. Newspapers
        1. Radio
          1. Billboards
            1. Advertsing
              1. Books
              2. Internet
                1. Social Media
                  1. YouTube
                  2. TV
                  3. Development of media
                    1. Convergence
                      1. Intertextuality
                        1. Globilsation
                          1. Interactivity
                          2. Ownership of the media
                            1. Rupert Murdoch
                              1. There are two key theories that argue about the ownership of the media.
                                1. Marxists
                                  1. Argue the media is designed to keep the owners rich.
                                    1. Argue the owners could use their media to express own views across to the public.
                                      1. Instead of telling the whole story.
                                      2. Say the owners have too much control over what the public know.
                                      3. Pluralists
                                        1. Say the public also have control
                                          1. The phone hacking scandal lends itself to this theory somewhat
                                            1. The out cry from the public ended the news of the world
                                          2. Argue the public could effectively break a company by switching sources
                                            1. If they were unhappy with the way news was reported
                                              1. Or unhappy with the news reported
                                      4. ''The means of mass communcation regarded collectivly (Oxford dictionary)
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