Premature delivery


Mind Map on Premature delivery, created by fatima alkhateeb on 27/04/2018.
fatima alkhateeb
Mind Map by fatima alkhateeb, updated more than 1 year ago
fatima alkhateeb
Created by fatima alkhateeb almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Premature delivery
  1. Anatomy (pics)
    1. Physiology
      1. Spermatogenesis
        1. Oocytogenesis
          1. Germinal cell
            1. Primary oocyte
              1. Secondary oocyte
                1. Ova
          2. Germinal cells
            1. Primary spermatocyte
              1. Secondary spermatocyte
                1. Spermatids
                  1. Fertilized egg
                    1. First block
                      1. Second block
                        1. Influx of Ca which makes the zona pellucida harder
                        2. Influx of Na which repels the positively charged sperms
                        3. Morula (16 blastomeres)
                          1. Moves to the uterus
                            1. Epithelial secretions
                              1. Ciliated epithelium
                                1. Contractions of the fallopian tubes
                              2. Implantation
                                1. Trophoblast secrete enzymes to digest the endometrium
                                  1. Growth of the baby
                2. Lactation
                  1. Breast
                    1. Mammaryglands
                      1. Lobes
                        1. Several secretory lobules
                        2. Ducts to to the surface by
                          1. Nipples
                        3. Pregnant
                          1. Estrogen --> branch and dilate ductul branches
                            1. Progesterone --> develop alveolar glands
                              1. Placental lactogen --> develop breast
                                1. Placental hormones --> inhibits prolactin
                          2. After delivery
                            1. Prolactin --> Production of milk
                              1. Oxytocin --> Excrete milk
                        4. APGAR
                          1. A score done at one and five minutes of delivery to assess the baby's general health
                          2. Challanges
                            1. Staying warm
                              1. Infections
                                1. Brain development
                                  1. Eyes development
                                    1. Feeding
                                      1. Breathing
                                      2. Stages of labor
                                        1. Stage 1: Cervical dilation
                                          1. Stage 2: Delivery of the fetus
                                            1. Stage 3: Delivery of the placenta
                                        2. Psychological disorders following premature delivery
                                          1. Post-partum blues
                                            1. Post-partum depression
                                              1. Post-partum psychosis
                                          2. Causes
                                            1. Smoking
                                              1. Being very overweight or underweight before pregnancy
                                                1. Not getting good prenatal care Drinking alcohol or using street drugs during pregnancy
                                                  1. Having health conditions, such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia, diabetes, blood clotting disorders, or infections
                                                    1. Being pregnant with a baby that has certain birth defects
                                                      1. Being pregnant with a baby from in vitro fertilization
                                                        1. Being pregnant with twins or other multiples
                                                          1. A family or personal history of premature labor
                                                            1. Getting pregnant too soon after having a baby
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