Deforestation Irresponsibility in Russia


Homework homework homework
Sarah Banks
Mind Map by Sarah Banks, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Banks
Created by Sarah Banks almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Deforestation Irresponsibility in Russia
  1. Causes
    1. There is illegal logging taking place all around russia
      1. People don’t want to pay for wood
      2. irresposible logging
        1. Don’t know that cutting down a lot of trees in the same period of time is a bad thing
          1. Know that it is a bad thing, but they don’t care
          2. Flooding
            1. Glacers melt too quicly
              1. Global warming
            2. Too much expansion
              1. Overpopulation
                1. Tourist attractions
              2. Consiquences
                1. Fewer trees
                  1. Less oxygen
                    1. Less building supplies
                      1. More carbon dioxide
                        1. Can't make as much paper
                        2. Restrict use of wood
                          1. Isn't fair to other people
                            1. Pay for more wood if needed
                            2. Animal displacement
                              1. Animals may wander into cities
                                1. Road kill
                                  1. Traffic
                                    1. Frustration
                                  2. animals can go extinct
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