Chapter 16: Trends in the Use of Teams


Mind Map on Chapter 16: Trends in the Use of Teams, created by barbie_dancer on 06/21/2013.
Mind Map by barbie_dancer, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by barbie_dancer over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 16: Trends in the Use of Teams
  1. Committee
    1. Formal team of people working together outside their daily job assignments to pursue a specific purpose
    2. Task Force
      1. Temporary group created to solve a specific problem
      2. Cross-Functional Team
        1. Team meets to share information regarding specific problems facing the whole organization (Example: Jim)
          1. Members come from different functional units and parts of the organization, work on a specific problem/task with the needs of the whole organization in mind
          2. Employee Involvement Team
            1. Group of workers who meet on a regular basis outside of their formal assignments and apply their expertise to important workplace matterss
            2. Virtual Team
              1. Group of people who work together and solve problems through computer-mediated interactions instead of face-to-face meetings
              2. Self-Managing Teams
                1. In a growing number of organizations, the functional team - consisting of a first-level supervisor and his/her subordinates - is being replaced by this
                  1. Group of workers who possess a high degree of task independence and who have been empowered to make many decisions regarding how they do required work
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