Henry lawson: In a dry season


Mind Map on Henry lawson: In a dry season, created by EmilyCook310197 on 09/29/2014.
Mind Map by EmilyCook310197, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by EmilyCook310197 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Henry lawson: In a dry season
  1. The landscape
    1. Railway
      1. blandness
    2. Bush Characters
      1. "a little further we saw the first sun-downer"
        1. stereotype: bush person
      2. Isolation
        1. He travels for a night and day without a bite to eat and on arrival, he finds that the station is eighty or a hundred miles away"
          1. Descriptive, distinctive experience. showing the isolation.
        2. SKETCH
          1. "Draw a wire fence, a few ragged gums...."
            1. Hyperbole: harsh, dry conditions, isolation
          2. Harsh reality of the bush
            1. "only thing cheerful....."
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