Charles Kingshaw


Mind Map on Charles Kingshaw, created by 12prai on 29/09/2014.
Mind Map by 12prai, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 12prai over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Charles Kingshaw
  1. Themes Towards Kingshaw
    1. Family
      1. The only family Kingshaw has now is his mother, Helena Kingshaw as his father had already died while he was still very young.
        1. Throughout the story Mrs Kingshaw falls in love with Mr Hooper and they decide to get married
          1. Helena seems to be very relaxed about the relationship between Charles Kingshaw and Edmund Hooper
            1. “Charles is a changed boy…it has done him so much good to have a companion.”‘
          2. The marriage between Mr Hooper and Mrs Kingshaw means the Kingshaw will become an actual stepbrother to Hooper
          3. Isolation
            1. Warrings is a very isolating place in the first place as it pretty far away from the village they are closest to.
              1. This also leads to the feeling of isolation for Edmund Hooper from a very young age as he didn't see many other people.
                1. Kingshaw has not had a father figure for a while now because his father died when he was young.
                  1. This leads to Kingshaw only having his mother for comfort.
                    1. Kingshaw was bullied when he was younger as well leaving him in more isolation.
                2. A good example of when Kingshaw felt a lot isolation is when Hooper tricked Kingshaw into going into the Red Room and locked the door behind him, where Kingshaw was afraid of the dead moths and was violently sick after being found by the adults
                3. Bullying
                  1. Throughout the Book Kingshaw is constantly bullied by Edmund Hooper, the son of Mr Hooper.
                    1. Charles Kingshaw is a boy who does not like to retaliate against this kind of abuse and has never truly felt bullied before coming to Warrings
                      1. Even though the bullying continues for the whole book, Kingshaw never truly fights back and never tells on Hooper as he is too scared of him.
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