Into Africa


Mind Map on Into Africa, created by James Gough on 05/17/2018.
James Gough
Mind Map by James Gough, updated more than 1 year ago
James Gough
Created by James Gough over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Into Africa
  1. English Writing to Entertain
    1. The Village that Vanished - 3 weeks
      1. Retell a story from another character's perspective
      2. The Lost Thing - 3 weeks
        1. Innovate own narrative based on a text
      3. Maths
        1. Mental Maths - developing arithmetic and times tables
          1. Number & Place Value
            1. Count forwards and backwards through zero including negative numbers
              1. Read and position multiples of 1000 on a number line to 1 million
                1. Represent, say and write multiples of 1000 to 1,000,000
                  1. Round numbers
                    1. Compare and order numbers within 100,000
                      1. Solve problems within 100,000
                        1. Express numbers up to 10,000 in Roman numerals
                          1. Represent place value up to 10,000
                        2. Geography
                          1. Locate main countries in Europe, North and South America.
                            1. Compare physical features between England and Ghana
                              1. Locate countries in Africa and main counties and cities in England
                                1. Locate features of Africa e.g. rivers, mountains and large cities
                                  1. Identify which features are human and which are physical
                                  2. Science - Materials and their Properties
                                    1. Appropriate materials for different purposes
                                      1. Separating a mixture
                                        1. Working Scientifically: to use their scientific experiences to explore ideas and raise different kinds of questions of appropriate complexity; to identify variables to measure or observe that are relevant to the question or idea they are investigating; to select and plan the most appropriate type of scientific enquiry to use to solve problems and answer questions; to use relevant scientific language and illustrations to discuss, communicate and justify their scientific ideas.
                                          1. Investigating Properties
                                            1. Identifying granular solids
                                              1. Dissolving
                                              2. PE
                                                1. Fitness
                                                  1. Hockey
                                                  2. R.E. - Islam - Ramadan
                                                    1. Core themes: belonging and giving
                                                      1. Focus on Allah, being a good Muslim, and considering those who have less
                                                    2. PSHE
                                                      1. Being Me in My World
                                                        1. How Behaviour Affects Groups
                                                          1. Rights and Responsibilities
                                                            1. Rewards and Consequences
                                                              1. Democracy, having a voice, participating
                                                            2. History
                                                              1. History of the Slave Trade
                                                              2. Art
                                                                1. Drawing - Use different pencil grades to create range of effects, shading, drawing facial features in a realistic style– self portraits. Looking at artists e.g. Kehinde Wiley, Alice X Zang, Frida Khalo, Jen Bartel
                                                                2. Computing
                                                                  1. Search Engines
                                                                    1. Using keywords and phrases, identifying inaccurate information, learning page rank works as well.
                                                                    2. E-safety
                                                                    3. How do the human and physical features make it different to live in Ghana compared with the UK?
                                                                      1. Whole Class Reading
                                                                        1. Journey to Jo'burg
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