Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream


TCL 5 Mind Map on Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, created by Cecilia Rodriguez on 21/05/2018.
Cecilia Rodriguez
Mind Map by Cecilia Rodriguez, updated more than 1 year ago
Cecilia Rodriguez
Created by Cecilia Rodriguez over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream
  1. Events and activities
    1. the event will be held to give away free samples of ice cream flavors
      1. it will be explaining the elaboration of the same ones and an excursion in all the factory, so that they know that it is totally natural and reliable, thus obtaining to gain the confidence of the consumer.
        1. will be made the requests and the kind of service that customers want. expose the ideas that will be carried out in the global warming project.
          1. it is planned to present the vision and mission of the company, to summon everyone to an event accompanied by a dinner for all those who are interested in the projects that will be proposed that same afternoon, it will be explained how the company works and the contributions it gives to the environment. buying 'climate tickets' to fly our businesspeople - to counteract the effect of flying on the enviorement.
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