Kingdom Animalia Map


Phylogenic Tree
madelyn hoffmann
Mind Map by madelyn hoffmann, updated more than 1 year ago
madelyn hoffmann
Created by madelyn hoffmann almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Kingdom Animalia Map
  1. Deuterostomia
    1. Echinodermata
      1. Ophiuroidea
        1. Echinoidea
          1. Crinoidea
            1. Helothuroidea
              1. Asteroidea
              2. Chordata
                1. Vertebrates
                  1. Petromyzontida
                    1. Chondricthyes
                      1. Actinopterygii
                        1. Actinistia
                          1. Mammalia
                            1. Amphibia
                              1. Dipnoi
                                1. Reptilia
                                2. Invertebrate
                                  1. Cephalochordata
                                    1. Urochordata
                                      1. Myxini
                                  2. Cnidaria
                                    1. Phylum Cnidaria
                                      1. Hydrozoa
                                        1. Scyphozoa
                                          1. Cubozoa
                                            1. Anthozoa
                                          2. Lophotrochozoans
                                            1. Phylum Annelide
                                              1. Errantia
                                                1. SEdentaria
                                                2. Phylum Mollusca
                                                  1. Polyplachophora
                                                    1. Bivavlvia
                                                      1. Cephalopoda
                                                        1. Gastropoda
                                                        2. Phylum Rotifera
                                                          1. Phylum Lophophorates
                                                            1. Ectoprocta
                                                              1. Brachiopoda
                                                              2. Phylum Platyhelminthes
                                                                1. Rhabditophora
                                                                  1. Catenulida
                                                                2. Ecolysozoa
                                                                  1. Phylum Nematoda
                                                                    1. Phylum Arthropoda
                                                                      1. Myriapous
                                                                        1. Pancrustaceans
                                                                          1. Chelicerates
                                                                        2. Porifera
                                                                          1. Phylum Porifera
                                                                          2. KEY
                                                                            1. Phylum
                                                                              1. Clade
                                                                                1. Class
                                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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