Requirements for presedential candidates


Mind Map on Requirements for presedential candidates, created by luminouscheese on 04/07/2013.
Mind Map by luminouscheese, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by luminouscheese almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Requirements for presedential candidates
  1. One must be a natural-born American citizen
    1. One must be at least 35 years old
      1. There is a residency qualification of 14 years
        1. Political experience is important. Of the 17 politicians who were nominated as presedential candidates in the last 12 elections, 9 were/had been senators, 6 had been vice presidents and 6 had been governors. The last time the Democrats or the Republicans nominated someone without political experience was in 1952.
          1. Major party endorsement. If someone is serious about becoming president, it is vital to be chosen as the candidate for one of the 2 major parties. For example, in 1952 Eisenhower became a republican.
            1. Personal characteristics. It is important that the presendential candidate is confident, relateable, honest, respectable, caring, and able to make speeches.
              1. It is important that they are able to raise large sums of money to fund their campaign. Obama raised $191.6 million altogether in 2012 while Romney raised just $86.3 million.
                1. Effective organisation. Candidates must create their own organisation. Candidates who fail will stumble badly during their campaign.
                  1. Oratorical skills and being telegenic. Abilities to speak well and look good on television are crucial. Bill Clinton's oratorical skills and telegenic looks were advantages that contributes significantly to his victories in 1992 and 1996.
                    1. Sound and relevant policies. A candidate must have policies that are both practical and relevant. Some candidates start by majoring on 1 significant issue, eg. for Howard Dean (2004) it was the war in Iraq.
                      1. GREEN = FORMAL REQUIREMENTS
                        1. BLUE = INFORMAL REQUIREMENTS
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