How can H&M gain sustainable competitive advantage through CSR engagement


Mind Map on How can H&M gain sustainable competitive advantage through CSR engagement, created by kim anh pham on 10/10/2014.
kim anh pham
Mind Map by kim anh pham, updated more than 1 year ago
kim anh pham
Created by kim anh pham over 9 years ago

Resource summary

How can H&M gain sustainable competitive advantage through CSR engagement
  1. the raising awareness of csr in apparel industry
    1. What is csr
      1. The development of csr
        1. csr as a source of sustainable competitive advantage
          1. why h&M care about csr
            1. The development of csr in H&M
              1. which csr activities that h&M has done
                1. does csr ngagement benefit H&M and how
                  1. questionare to see if customer care about csr
                  2. H&M profile
                    1. CSR critics
                      1. Key drivers of csr
                        1. H&M stakeholders
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