Factors Affecting Yeast Fermentation


Mind Map on Factors Affecting Yeast Fermentation, created by Siobhan Reardon on 09/09/2018.
Siobhan Reardon
Mind Map by Siobhan Reardon, updated more than 1 year ago
Siobhan Reardon
Created by Siobhan Reardon over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Factors Affecting Yeast Fermentation
  1. Type of sugar used
    1. Glucose
      1. Mixture of sugars
        1. Fructose
          1. Galactose
          2. Temperature of solution
            1. How to control?
              1. Water bath
              2. Optimum temperature for yeast?
                1. Yeast works between 0-50 degrees Celcius
                  1. Optimum temp. 20-30 degrees Celcius
                2. Yeast concentration
                  1. Time allowed for fermentation
                    1. Volume of sugar (i.e. glucose)
                      1. Volume of yeast
                        1. pH
                          1. Optimum pH of yeast?
                            1. pH of yeast solution?
                              1. of sugar solution?
                              2. Agitation of solution
                                1. What method?
                                  1. How long for?
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