Theory Development


The Cycle of Enquiry. Sherratt et al., 2000 devised a 'circuit of knowledge' as a way to help students move away from common-sense reactions to psychological question
Donna Clutton1983
Mind Map by Donna Clutton1983, updated more than 1 year ago
Donna Clutton1983
Created by Donna Clutton1983 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Theory Development
  1. Questions
    1. Psychological research starts with the framing of appropriate, answerable questions.
    2. Claims
      1. The answers to these questions are claims. These claims have to be clearly identified so that they can be thoroughly assessed.
      2. Evidence / Data
        1. Assessing claims requires the amassing of information called data. The word 'data' is a plural word for the building blocks that make up the evidence that is presented in support of a claim.
        2. Evaluation
          1. The evidence then has to be interpreted and evaluated. The process of evaluation often generates new questions to be addressed as well as providing support for, or disconfirmation of, the origial claims.
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