Aisha’s not feeling so good


Mind Map on Aisha’s not feeling so good, created by Dua Ga on 14/10/2018.
Dua Ga
Mind Map by Dua Ga, updated more than 1 year ago
Dua Ga
Created by Dua Ga over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Aisha’s not feeling so good
  1. CHF
    1. Definition
      1. chronic, progressive where heart is unable to pump blood well
      2. TYPES
        1. Dysfuction
          1. Systolic
            1. Diastolic
            2. Side
              1. Left sided
                1. Right sides
                2. Output
                  1. Low
                    1. High
                  2. Signs and symptoms
                    1. Swollen neck veins -Dark circles under eyes-ascites-exhaustion
                      1. Dyspnea
                        1. Shortness of breath
                          1. Causes
                            1. 1.Very strenuous exercise 2.extreme temperatures 3.massive obesity 4.high altitude
                            2. Types
                              1. Orthopnea
                                1. PND
                              2. Edema
                                1. CAUSES
                              3. Causes
                                1. Hypertension
                                  1. Embolism
                                    1. Anemia
                                      1. Arrythmia
                                2. Life style risk factors
                                  1. Tobacco
                                    1. HTN
                                      1. Diabetes
                                      2. Pathophysiology
                                        1. management
                                          1. Diuretics
                                            1. ACEi
                                              1. Beta blockers
                                                1. Vasodilators
                                                  1. Surgery
                                                    1. Lifestyle modification
                                                    2. Epidemiology
                                                    3. How sad mood affects behaviour?
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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