Ram and Rom


Mind Map on Ram and Rom, created by Nathan Grace on 03/11/2014.
Nathan Grace
Mind Map by Nathan Grace , updated more than 1 year ago
Nathan Grace
Created by Nathan Grace over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Ram and Rom
  1. RAM
    1. RAM stands for Random Access Memory
      1. The purpose of RAM is used for storing loaded programs and the data programs use. It stands for "random access memory" and constitutes the working memory of a computer.
        1. RAM is volatile
          1. Nothing is stored on the RAM permanently- as soon as you switch off your computer the RAM empties. The RAM is used for running your programmes not storage
            1. the user can modify individual values interactively
            2. ROM
              1. ROM stands for Read Only Memory
                1. The purpose of ROM is In computing, ROM stands for "read-only memory" and refers to a type of memory used to store data or information in a permanent form. It is applied mainly in the distribution of firmware and semiconductor integrated circuits.
                  1. ROM is non-volatile
                    1. In general, ROM in a PC contains the BIOS, basically the most basic stuff the PC needs to run, such as load the operating system from somewhere. However, the bootup "image" can also be stored in ROM (known as "boot rom") on diskless network station setups.
                      1. The user can read from ROM, but they can't write to it or modify it.
                      2. Non-Volatile & Volatile
                        1. Non-volatile means that it saves but it will deleted the next time you log on
                          1. Volatile means that it will be saved and the all the time you go on it will still be saved on the computer unless you delete is obviously
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