Wake Up Dad


Mind Map on Wake Up Dad, created by Alia Rashed on 28/10/2018.
Alia Rashed
Mind Map by Alia Rashed, updated more than 1 year ago
Alia Rashed
Created by Alia Rashed almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Wake Up Dad
  1. Anatomy
    1. URT
    2. Snoring
      1. Snoring id due to vibration of soft palate and its thin edges called velum of the posterior faucial pi;;ar due to partial air way obstruction during inspiration
      2. Sleep apnea
        1. investogations
          1. Physical Examination
            1. mallampati score
              1. polysomnography
          2. Excessive snoring with intervals of breath cessation (apnea)
            1. signs and symptoms
              1. Insomnia
                1. Nocturia
                  1. Daytime fatigue
                  2. risk factor
                    1. Large tonsils
                      1. gender
                        1. Family History
                        2. Management
                          1. Lifestyle changes
                            1. CPAP
                              1. /continuous positive airway pressure it gently blow pressurized air through your airway at a constant pressure that keeps the throat from collapsing.
                            2. pathophysiology
                            3. physiology
                              1. Receptor
                                1. J receptor
                                  1. Mechanoreceptors
                                    1. Irretant Recaptors
                                      1. Chemoreceptors
                                      2. Neural Breathing Control
                                        1. Cerebral Control
                                          1. Voluntary Ventilation
                                          2. Central control
                                            1. Medullary Respiration Centers
                                              1. Dorsal group of neurons
                                                1. Nucleus Tractus
                                                2. Ventral group of newrons
                                                3. Pons Respiration centers
                                                  1. upper pons
                                                    1. Apneustic centers
                                                    2. Lower pons
                                                      1. pneumotexic centers
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