Initial Ideas


Mind Map on Initial Ideas, created by EmmaOram1 on 04/11/2014.
Mind Map by EmmaOram1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by EmmaOram1 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Initial Ideas
  1. Film
    1. 2 min cinema adevrt
      1. short clips of different images
        1. relating to topic
          1. showing history of what will happen
            1. like a timeline
        2. 4x30 second advert
          1. use of voice over
            1. younger person speaking
          2. 2-4 min short films
            1. use of younger characters
              1. mixed gender
                1. this will attract a larger audince
            2. cartoon
              1. doesn't suit target audience as well
              2. real life
                1. realistic
              3. Web
                1. website
                  1. using wix
                    1. several pages
                      1. put videos on website
                  2. social network
                    1. facebook
                      1. update
                        1. status'
                          1. longer than the tweets
                            1. more informative
                              1. complex language
                          2. video links
                        2. twitter
                          1. update
                            1. images
                              1. showing a strong message
                              2. tweets
                                1. short
                                  1. keeping people up to date
                                    1. simple language
                          2. Print
                            1. magazine
                              1. front cover
                                1. context page
                                  1. double page spread
                                    1. on cinema advert
                                  2. posters
                                    1. simple yet effective
                                      1. lots of colour
                                      2. leaflet
                                        1. several pages
                                          1. logo on every page
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