

Mind Map on memes, created by Robert Powell on 08/11/2018.
Robert Powell
Mind Map by Robert Powell, updated more than 1 year ago
Robert Powell
Created by Robert Powell over 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. The Bible Animated ~ Shrek
    1. (every shrek included)
    2. kek ~ the high iq version of lol
      1. was mostly popular in the mlg era
      2. doot ~ doot
        1. the better skeleton meme
        2. take me home country roads ~ the only good country song
          1. pepe ~ the nightmare of trolls
            1. the infamous 4chan frog everyone hated and loved
              1. the original "dat boi"
              2. OOF ~ *roblox death sound* OOF
                1. sanic ~ he was just 2 fast 4 u
                  1. spongebob ~ spongebob
                    1. evil patrick
                      1. o ye mr. krabbs
                      2. reddit ~ the friendly 4chan
                        1. pyrocinical gets bullied to many times
                          1. pewdiepie isnt original
                          2. avengers: infinity war ~ the move that turns you atheist
                            1. mr. stark, i dont feel so good
                              1. ThANoS cAR
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