The Challenge of Persia


9th grade Global Mind Map on The Challenge of Persia, created by Rebecca Sikarev on 09/12/2018.
Rebecca Sikarev
Mind Map by Rebecca Sikarev, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebecca Sikarev
Created by Rebecca Sikarev almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

The Challenge of Persia
  1. The Ionian Rebellion


    • When the Greeks spread throughout the Mediterranean, they came into conflict with the Persian Empire of the east. By the mid 6th-century BC, the Persians gained control of the Ionian states. The Ionians attempted a revolt with the help of the Athenian navy, however they failed. The revolt drew the Persian's attention to Athens, and the Persian leader, Darius swore revenge on the Athenians.
    1. The Battle of Marathon


      • In 490 BC, the Persians landed on the plain of Marathon. Although, the Persians outnumbered the Athenians, the Athenian army decisively defeated the Persians. The Persians grudgingly retreated to Asia, and the Athenians rejoiced at the victory, as this proved that the Persians can be defeated. This battle was a minor loss for Persia, but a major win for Athens. 
      1. Preparation for War


        • After Darius died in 486 BC, Xerxes became the new monarch, and swore revenge of Athens. Some Greek city-states prepared for battle by forming a united defense under Sparta. Athens, however, formed an immense navy under the orders of its leader, Themistocles. By the time the Persians attack, Athens had a fleet of about 200 battle vessels. The Persians themselves brought a massive invasion force consisting of 180,000 troops, along with thousands of warships and supply vessels.
        1. The Battle of Thermopylae


          • When the Persians invaded, Sparta, Athens, and other city-states united under one common goal: to defeat the Persia. Hence, an army of about 7,000 Greeks attempted to hold off the Persians at the pass of Thermopylae, the central road that leads to the Greek mainland. They were able to hold off the Persian troops for 2 days, however, a traitor told the Persians how to cross a mountain path to outflank the Greeks. 
          1. The Battle of Salamis


            • Threatened by the Persian forces, the Athenians fled their city, and near the island of Salamis, an outnumbered Athenian fleet was confronted by the Persians. Nevertheless, the brave Athenians won, hence inspiring the Greeks, and renewing hope in their chance of their victory. The Greeks then formed the largest Greek army known for its time and marched onward. 
            1. The Battle of Plataea


              • The large Greek Army defeated the Persians at Plataea, northwest of Athens. The Greeks had won the war at last and were now stronger than ever before.
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