Reflexive pronouns and "each other"


Mind Map on Reflexive pronouns and "each other", created by pgarciab on 13/11/2014.
Mind Map by pgarciab, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pgarciab almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Reflexive pronouns and "each other"
  1. Reflexive pronouons: when the subject and the object are the same person or thing or when a person does an action on his / her own (without any help)
    1. Singular
      1. I=myself
        1. I enjoyed myself at the party
        2. You=yourself
          1. He=himself
            1. She=herself
              1. She bought herslelf a new skirt
              2. It=itself
              3. Plural
                1. We=ourselves
                  1. You=yourselves
                    1. They=themselves
                      1. They washed themselves after working in the garden
                  2. "Each other"
                    1. We use the reciprocal pronoun "each other" when two or more people do the same thing. Peter and Mary helped each other. = Peter helped Mary and Mary helped Peter. We sent each other Christmas cards. = We sent them a Christmas card and they sent us a Christmas card.
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