Cardiac Output Concept map


Chronotropic effects of heart Mind Map on Cardiac Output Concept map, created by dancedrill on 15/08/2013.
Mind Map by dancedrill, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dancedrill over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Cardiac Output Concept map
  1. Cardiac Ouput
    1. directly affects
      1. HR
        1. increase
          1. Positive chronotropic agents like epinephrine, norepinephrine, beta agonists.
          2. decrease
            1. Negative chronotropic agents like ACh or beta antagonists
            2. inversely affects
              1. filling time
                1. directly affects
                  1. Preload due to EDV
                    1. directly affects
                      1. venous return
                        1. directly affects
                          1. Blood volume
                            1. Venous pressure
                            2. inversely affects
                              1. intrathoracic pressure
                2. SV
                  1. Inversely affects
                    1. ESV
                      1. directly affects
                        1. afterload
                          1. inversely affects
                            1. SV
                    2. directly affects
                      1. preload due to EDV
                      2. directly affects
                        1. Contractility
                          1. increase
                            1. Positive inotropic agents like epinephrine, noep, cardiac glycosides.
                            2. decrease
                              1. negative inotropic agents like calcium channel blockers
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