Dangerous Stuff


Info on dangerous chemicals and practices.
annette Hendley
Mind Map by annette Hendley, updated more than 1 year ago
annette Hendley
Created by annette Hendley almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Dangerous Stuff
  1. Hazard Warning Signs
    1. Don't taste anything in a lab
      1. Listen to your teacher
        1. follow teachers instructions about safety glasses
          1. chemicals containers - warning labels /yellow or orange
          2. Lab Hazards
            1. Tell a teacher if you spill something
              1. corrosive chemicals very dangerous
                1. Harmful or irritant chemicals are safer but still not safe
                2. Risk Assessment
                  1. balance dangers against benefits
                    1. Keep risk as small as possible
                      1. know what to do during accident
                      2. Transporting Chemicals
                        1. Tankers must have Hazchem Code labels
                          1. signs are internationally agreed
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