Festivities in different countries


Gabriel  Arciniega Ibadango
Mind Map by Gabriel Arciniega Ibadango, updated more than 1 year ago
Gabriel  Arciniega Ibadango
Created by Gabriel Arciniega Ibadango over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Festivities in different countries
  1. Spanish-American Countries
    1. 15 Birthday Party
      1. This is a very important ceremony for all women, because it is the representation of the step from being a girl to being a woman.
    2. Ecuador
      1. Indegenous marriage in Ecuador second day of celebration.
        1. It is the ritual bath of the new spouses, it is an ancestral tradition that represents the purification of the soul.
      2. Thailand
        1. Songkran April 13
          1. This celebration coincides with the high summer and the intense heat of Thailand. Thousands of people take to the streets on foot or with their cars and are placed at the doors of their houses with water guns. The entire center of the city becomes a great battle of water in which everyone returns to be children for a few days.
        2. Germany
          1. Oktoberfest
            1. The Oktoberfest is the most popular party in Germany. The Oktoberfest had its origins in October 1810 when the invitation to the citizens to participate in the royal festivities was extended, due to the marriage nuptials of King Ludwig I of Bavaria with Princess Teresa of Saxony-Hildburghausen.
          2. Ireland
            1. ST Patricks day
              1. This is a Christian tradition says that Patricio explained the mystery of the Holy Trinity using a three leaf clover. On March 17 of the year 461 Patricio died. As a custom of Ireland is to wear a clover in celebration of your holiday. It is also usual to dress green
            2. Mexico
              1. Day of the Dead
                1. Day of the Dead in Mexico, is to speak of mysticism, of symbolism, of pre-Hispanic roots, of altars, of offerings, of history. On this date, each family prepares to receive the souls of the loved ones who have left this life.
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