Peripheral vascular diseases


Mind Map on Peripheral vascular diseases, created by Fatima Alkhateeb on 10/03/2019.
Fatima Alkhateeb
Mind Map by Fatima Alkhateeb, updated more than 1 year ago
Fatima Alkhateeb
Created by Fatima Alkhateeb over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Peripheral vascular diseases
  1. Blood vessels of the lower limbs
    1. Arteries
      1. Veins
    2. Vasculitis
      1. Large vessels
        1. Giant cell (temporal arteritis)
          1. Elderly female, headache, jaw claudication
            1. Could lead to blindness (ophthalmic artery)
            2. Takayasu arteritis
              1. Asian young female
                1. Pulseless disease, fever, night sweats
              2. Medium vessels
                1. Polyarteritis nodosa
                  1. Kawasaki disease
                    1. Buerger disease
                      1. Heavy smoker, young male
                        1. Gengrene, autoamputation of digits
                      2. Asian children less than 4 years old, affecting skin, lips, tongue
                      3. Middle-aged men, Hep B in 30%, immune mediated
                        1. Nerves, skin, kidneys
                      4. Small vessels
                        1. Wegener
                          1. Microscopic polyangiitis
                            1. Churg-Strauss
                              1. Henoch-Schonlein purpura
                                1. Most common childhood systemic vasculitis
                                  1. Classic triad: palpable purpura, arthralgia, GI problems
                                2. Asthma in adults, pouch-immune
                                  1. p-ANCA positive, high IgE levels
                                    1. Eosinophilia
                                  2. Similar to Wegener but no granuloma or nasopharungeal involvement
                                    1. p-ANCA positive
                                    2. affecting both upper and lower respiratory tracts
                                      1. c-ANCA positive
                                  3. Atherosclerosis
                                    1. Risk factors
                                      1. Tobacco smoke
                                        1. Hereditary
                                          1. Endocrine
                                            1. Obesity
                                              1. Males
                                                1. Age
                                                  1. Stress
                                        2. Pathogenesis
                                          1. endothelial cell dysfunction
                                            1. macrophage and LDL accumulation
                                              1. Foam cell formation
                                                1. fatty streaks
                                                  1. smooth cell migration
                                                    1. proliferation and extracellular matrix deposition
                                                      1. fibrous plaque
                                                        1. complex atheroma
                                      2. Intermittent claudication
                                        1. A symptom of PAD characterized by pain, aching, or fatigue in exercising leg muscles
                                        2. Aortic dissection
                                          1. Intimal tear with dissection of blood through media of the aortic wall
                                          2. Aneurysms
                                            1. Thoracic
                                              1. compression of mediastinal structures
                                                1. Abdominal
                                                  1. Primarily due to atherosclerosis
                                            2. Investigations
                                              1. ABI index
                                                1. Duplex US
                                                  1. photoplethysmogram
                                              2. Management
                                                1. Smoking cessation
                                                  1. Excersice
                                                    1. Statins (anti-heperlipidemics)
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