A hot summer’s night


Mind Map on A hot summer’s night, created by Dua Ga on 23/03/2019.
Dua Ga
Mind Map by Dua Ga, updated more than 1 year ago
Dua Ga
Created by Dua Ga about 5 years ago

Resource summary

A hot summer’s night
  1. EMT
    1. major trauma defined as:
      1. Requirement for urgent surgery
        1. ICU admission
          1. stay >3 days
            1. Head injury with ventilation
      2. Systemic assessment
        1. Primary survey
          1. History
            1. Resuscitation
              1. Secondary survey
                1. Definitive care
                  1. detailed examination
                2. CVS examination
                3. ABCDE
            2. Cathetarization
              1. Harm
                1. CAUTI
                  1. Pressure ulcers
                    1. Trauma
                      1. Immobility
                        1. Discomfort
                2. Inappropriate placement
                  1. Incontinence
                    1. Debility
                      1. Morbid obesity
                        1. Immobility
                          1. Elderly
                  2. Indications
                    1. Critically ill
                      1. immobilization
                        1. incontinance
                          1. hospice
                  3. unconsciousness causes
                    1. Car accident
                      1. Drug overdose
                        1. Hypoglycemia
                          1. syncope
                            1. hypotension
                              1. hypertension
                    2. renal failure
                      1. Acute
                        1. Pre-renal
                          1. Renal
                            1. Post-renal
                              1. Obstruction
                                1. stones
                                  1. tumors
                                2. ATN
                                  1. Ischemic
                                    1. Nephrotoxic
                                    2. AIN
                                    3. Ischemia
                                  2. Chronic
                                    1. prerenal RF
                                      1. Intrinsic RF
                                        1. post-renal RF
                                    2. Kidney function
                                      1. Urea
                                        1. Cr clearance
                                          1. Insulin clearance
                                            1. Cystatin C
                                              1. Radioactives
                                                1. Radioisotopes
                                      2. Management
                                        1. Managing Acidosis
                                          1. Managing Hyperkalemia
                                            1. Diuretics
                                          2. Prophylaxis
                                            1. To prevent infections in ARF
                                        2. Road safety
                                          1. 4E’s
                                            1. Enforcement
                                              1. Education
                                                1. Engineering
                                                  1. Emergency Medical Services
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