Baroque Music.


Mind Map on Baroque Music., created by lore g on 13/12/2014.
lore g
Mind Map by lore g, updated more than 1 year ago
lore g
Created by lore g almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Baroque Music.


  • Baroque means `irregular pearl´, `curve line ´ and `ornament´ and it was later adapted to the history of music to reflect the music of this period, with the ornaments and lots of curves in its melody.
    1. Historical context
      1. Absolute monarchies.


        • The power remains in the hands of the aristocracy and the Church who wants to show their authority in organizing big shows that music will always be present.
      2. Cultural context
        1. Brilliant period in culture, art, science.


          • Literature as Lope de Vega.. Paint as Velásquez, Murillo... Scientists like Galileo Galilei and Newton.
          1. Reason and Feeling.


            • The reason will be the way for trying to find the logic and the scientific side of everything.
          2. Musical context
            1. `......Music is a science that must have well-established rules.....
          3. Basic characteristics.
            1. Harmonic system.
              1. Strong rhytm.
                1. Dramatic effect.
                  1. Monody


                    • The Baroque composers considered excessive complexity that had come to Renaissance counterpoint, as this could not express any feelings.
                    1. Understand the text and convey a greater expressiveness.
                    2. Basso continuo.


                      • A bass notes line without interruption from the beginning to the end of the song.
                    3. Musical life during the Baroque Period.
                      1. Patronage


                        • Is the support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid an organization or individual to another.
                        1. Music is an art reserved for the elite.
                          1. Professional musicians.
                            1. Composers
                              1. Concert Halls.


                                • 1st public concert was in 1672.
                                1. Virtuosity.


                                  • Extreme instrumental professional player.
                              2. Musical forms.
                                1. Music for solo intruments.


                                  • FUGUE
                                  1. Chamber music.
                                    1. Music for orchestra
                                      1. Main intrumental music forms.
                                        1. fugue
                                          1. suite
                                            1. sonata
                                              1. concerto
                                              2. Main vocal forms
                                                1. Opera


                                                  • Baroque musical form vocal, large dimensions, non religious, narrative, where all text is sung, with stage performance.(interpreted)
                                                  1. overture
                                                    1. recitatives
                                                      1. arias
                                                        1. choirs
                                                          1. fragments between breaks
                                                            1. performed by castrati
                                                            2. Zarzuela


                                                              • Spanish composition.
                                                              1. Cantata
                                                            3. The Baroque orchestra


                                                              • -It was small. -It had a basso continuo and violin family strings. -Brass, woodwinds and percussion used occasionally. -The tone color was subordinate to the melody, rhythm or harmony.
                                                              1. Archieved a definitive independence from vocal music
                                                              2. Instruments of the Baroque Era
                                                                1. Keyboard Intruments
                                                                  1. clavichord
                                                                    1. organ
                                                                      1. harpsichord
                                                                      2. String Instruments
                                                                        1. Violin
                                                                        2. Wind Intruments
                                                                          1. Transverse flute
                                                                            1. Oboe
                                                                              1. Basson
                                                                              2. Percussion Instruments
                                                                              3. Composers
                                                                                1. Johann Sebastian Bach
                                                                                  1. Antonio Vivaldi
                                                                                    1. Jean Rameau
                                                                                      1. Johann Pachelbel
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