support for and against the equal partnership of the fur trade


social 1 Mind Map on support for and against the equal partnership of the fur trade, created by tdhein on 27/08/2013.
Mind Map by tdhein, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tdhein about 11 years ago

Resource summary

support for and against the equal partnership of the fur trade
  1. for
    1. Inter-marriages/adoption
      1. respect of eachother
        1. recognized needed FN support
        2. needed to ally with FN to safely establish permanent settlements
          1. Needed FN to get furs from the deep North
            1. needed to trade fairly
            2. maritimes - open trade between English, French and FN
              1. large amount of money was spent on gifts for FN
                1. government tried to stop trade of alcohol
                  1. FN knew where to trap best furs and when the furs would be best
                    1. beaver down thickest in winter
                    2. FN groups worked in more spread out smaller groups so more difficult to enslave
                    3. against
                      1. Champlain encouraged Native warfare to prevent FN from trading with rivals
                        1. French was trying to make contact with Northern FN groups to get rid of intermediaries
                          1. Europeans used alcohol to inebriate FN during trading
                            1. FN lost power as furs and game animal decreased and Europeans established themselves
                              1. Missionaries intent on Europeanizing FN
                                1. Introduced new beliefs, technology and ideas that divided communities and families
                                2. Racism
                                  1. FN weakened by disease and famine decimating their population
                                    1. little help from Europeans
                                    2. farmers pushed FN off land they needed for survival
                                      1. imbalances in power between tribes and individuals
                                        1. European trading practices followed social heirarchy
                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


                                      character of New France Society - Decapitation vs. Changing Masters
                                      War of 1812
                                      Change in European-Native relations from 1780-1850
                                      Impact of British Conquest on Quebec between 1760-1800
                                      Iroquois constitution and social values
                                      how they ensured adequate supplies for life
                                      evidence against FN being mesmerized into subordinates by newcomers
                                      did women have greater possibilities in New France
                                      19th century Atlantic colonies
                                      Church and religious thought effects