Condition of England 1815-53 Protests


Mind Map on Condition of England 1815-53 Protests, created by harry.campbell on 27/12/2014.
Mind Map by harry.campbell, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by harry.campbell over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Condition of England 1815-53 Protests
  1. Spa Fields 1816
    1. Huge meeting held at Spa Fields, London. Henry Hunt. Mainly peaceful. Lower taxes and Parliament Reform.
    2. The March of the Blanketeers 1817
      1. About 300 marchers- Manchester-London. Many unemployed Handloom Weavers. Called for Parliamentary Reform, abolition of Corn Laws, and re-introduction of Habeas Corpus.
      2. Pentrich Rising 1817
        1. Work of "Oliver". Persuaded men to march on Nottingham. Men were caught- leaders hung and 30 transported.
        2. Peterloo Massacre 1819
          1. Suspension of Habeas Corpus and large meetings was lifted. Four huge meetings planned- last at St. Peter's FIelds, Manchester. Estimated 60,000 people, from variety of backgrounds, to hear Henry Hunt. Magistrates called up Yeomanry. Yeomanry blocked by people, when trying to arrest Hunt. 11 people killed- including a 2 women and a child. and 400 innured
          2. Cato Street Conspiracy 1820
            1. Group of extremists planned to kill the members of the cabinet. Group was infiltrated, arrested and executed.
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