English U.20


Unitat 20 ROUND UP
Pau Cortijo Llorens
Mind Map by Pau Cortijo Llorens, updated more than 1 year ago
Pau Cortijo Llorens
Created by Pau Cortijo Llorens over 5 years ago

Resource summary

English U.20
  1. Adjectives
    1. Describe nouns
      1. They say that something is like
        1. Adj. come vefore nouns or after verb "To Be"
          1. Adj. Ending in -le drop -e and take -y. Ex: Simple Simply
            1. Adj. ending consonant + y -y and take -ily. Ex: Happy Happily
              1. Adj. irregular: good fast hard
              2. Comparisons
                1. One syllable
                  1. Positive
                    1. Long
                    2. Comparative
                      1. Longer than
                      2. Superlative
                        1. The longest of / in
                      3. Two syllables ending -y, -w, -er
                        1. Happy
                          1. Happier than
                            1. The happiest of / in
                            2. Two or more syllables
                              1. Modern
                                1. More moderr than
                                  1. The most modern of / in
                                  2. Irregular Adj.
                                    1. Good Bad Far
                                      1. Better Worse Further / Farther
                                        1. Best Worst Furthest / Farthest
                                      2. Adverbs
                                        1. Describe verbs
                                          1. They say "How Wher When How often"
                                            1. Adverbs irregular: well fast hard
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