Adaptations of a Kangaroo


The adaptations of Kangaroos
Jemma Copland
Mind Map by Jemma Copland, updated more than 1 year ago
Jemma Copland
Created by Jemma Copland almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Adaptations of a Kangaroo
  1. Structural
    1. Physical features of an organism and the way that it is built
      1. Eyes are far apart allowing them to see beside them and see small movements from a distance
        1. Large tendons in hind legs as springs to use less energy when running from predators, giving them the ability to jump for long distances
          1. Front legs are short, so the front of the kangaroo is lighter when hopping
            1. Long and strong tails for balance
          2. Behavioural
            1. The way the organism behaves and acts
              1. Crouches in a smaller position to keep itself from heating up in the sun
                1. In hot weather, they lick their paws for evaporation
                  1. In the cold, fur is used as insulation, as well as shivering producing heat.
                2. Physiological
                  1. The way in which an organism functions
                    1. Mothers can produce 2 types of milk for the two different aged joeys.
                      1. In dry seasons, male kangaroos do not produce sperm and females only have children if there is enough water for the production of vegetation and plants.
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