
Mind Map on Untitled, created by Joshua “Latymerm on 14/01/2015.
Joshua “Latymerm
Mind Map by Joshua “Latymerm, updated more than 1 year ago
Joshua “Latymerm
Created by Joshua “Latymerm over 9 years ago

Resource summary

    1. NTLS page
      1. TOUR page
        1. STORE page
          1. INFLUENCE
            1. Using logo saturation with merchandising is very important, as we saw when researching other websites. SBTRKT and The 1975 both have their logos present on multiple items available in the store section of their websites.
              1. SBTRKT
                1. THE 1975
              2. We designed a range of products to sell through our website.
              3. BANNER
                1. The subtle placement of the NTLS logo in the top left hand corner of the website's banner was so that the viewer was not overwhelmed by it's presence. The logo in itself is uncomplicated so we decided on placing it so that it was stationary and did not obstruct the person viewing the website, but its presence was clear.
              4. DIGIPACK
                1. INSIDE COVER digipack
                  1. The final album cover design featured the NTLS logo on the inside, for the primary reason of promoting the brand. Obviously the brand has done its job if the album cover has been bought and opened up, however the job of that logo is to sell other products as well as the album itself, so having it on the inside of the cover encourages this.
                  2. FRONT COVER digipack
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