humans of New York


Mind Map on humans of New York, created by jiahua.gu0386 on 03/02/2015.
Mind Map by jiahua.gu0386, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jiahua.gu0386 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

humans of New York
  1. Facts
    1. Everythings started by praised with each other
      1. And then they ran away...
        1. Many years later, they got married...
          1. It's the victory of the glasses!!!
    2. Personal Imaginaty
      1. Wanted to stay with the girl but didn't know how to do.
        1. Found the girl but forgot the sentence he thought
          1. So the only thing he did is "Your glasses looks good"
            1. And he got a girl friend in this inexplicable situation...
              1. It tells us "Don't care the way to have a girl friend, the first thing you should do --- let her remember you by any way!
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