Geological History


Mind Map on Geological History, created by Cierra Justice on 09/10/2019.
Cierra Justice
Mind Map by Cierra Justice, updated more than 1 year ago
Cierra Justice
Created by Cierra Justice over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Geological History
  1. Bombardment
    1. hypothesized event that thought to occurred 4.1 to 3,8 years ago
      1. Layers of the earth
        1. Different layers that are physically/chemically different
    2. Geologic time scale
      1. Chronological dating that relates geological strata to time
      2. stratigraphy
        1. concerned with the order and relative position to strata and relationship to the geological time scale
          1. Absolute dating
            1. determining an age specified chronologically in archaeology
        2. Fossil record
          1. Arranged chronological order and are made of rock and minerals
          2. Relative dating
            1. determining the relative order for past events on the earth
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