Geologic history


Mind Map on Geologic history, created by Cooper Splitt on 09/10/2019.
Cooper Splitt
Mind Map by Cooper Splitt, updated more than 1 year ago
Cooper Splitt
Created by Cooper Splitt over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Geologic history
  1. earths Bombardment
    1. Earth was bombarded by metros and a another planet sized object as it was forming
    2. Geological Time Scale
      1. A system of dating use chronological layers of the earth
      2. Layers of the Earth
        1. The layers of the earth that make up the earth such as the inner core outer core mantel
        2. Stratigraphy
          1. The research of dating the earth using rock layers
          2. Fossil Record
            1. A group of arranged fossils by date
            2. Relative Dating
              1. Is dating something by comparing it to something else
              2. Absolute Dating
                1. Is finding the exact date of something
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