Tragedia: Género teatral y literario en las que se presentan situaciones de conflicto donde se aborda la fatalidad del destino y la condición humana.


Gabriela Mora
Mind Map by Gabriela Mora, updated 8 months ago
Gabriela Mora
Created by Gabriela Mora over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Tragedia: Género teatral y literario en las que se presentan situaciones de conflicto donde se aborda la fatalidad del destino y la condición humana.
  1. Characteristics
    1. type of export
      1. 85% of gold and platinum export are made in surface mining
        1. The 100% of construction material is export by surface mining
          1. The 75% of coal mine are export by surface mining
            1. The 22% of coal mine left are export by underground mining
            2. stages
              1. 1. exploration
                1. 2.development
                  1. 3.extraction
                    1. 4. reclamation
              2. illegal mining
                1. of 14 thousand mining activities barely have a mining title the 37%
                  1. it has generated a social and environmental crisis
                  2. type of mining
                    1. SURRFACE MINING
                      1. UNDERGROUND MINING
                        1. DEEP SEA MINING
                          1. BULK MINING
                            1. ALLUVIAL MINING
                          2. enviormental impacts
                            1. release of toxic substances in rivers
                              1. This affects the communities and animals that live near the mining area
                              2. The damage to the earth's surface
                                1. this impacts the agriculture of the people affecting the harvest and food
                                2. Released Dust
                                  1. This influences in high contamination of the air
                                  2. acid mine drainage
                                    1. this can affect the underground aquifers which are our source of water
                                  3. social impacts
                                    1. sometimes communities are displaced from their homes to the mining are realized
                                      1. As mining damage the ground this affects the cultural identity heritage of the area
                                        1. lllegal mining affects economically those who do it since they don't have a license, so the money they earn is so small
                                        2. Mining areas
                                          1. La Colosa, Quinchía
                                            1. marmato
                                              1. el tambo
                                                1. etc
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