English KS3 Exam


Mind Map on English KS3 Exam, created by Felicia4ever on 06/02/2015.
Mind Map by Felicia4ever, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Felicia4ever over 9 years ago

Resource summary

English KS3 Exam
  1. Introduction
    1. Who,What,When,Where,Why,How.
    2. Write in present tense
      1. Always use second Names
        1. Don't write long quotes.
          1. Use short sharp quotes.
            1. ARGU-DAR Techinique
              1. A=Alliteration
                1. R=Repetition
                  1. G-Good use of structure
                    1. U=Use of discourse
                      1. E=Emotive Launguage
                        1. D=Destory the opposing view
                          1. A=Anecdote
                            1. R=Rhetorical Question
          2. Talk about imagery
            1. Look at statistics
              1. Assonance=Internal ryhme
          3. Denotation=What you actually see.
            1. Connotation=What it actually means.
            2. Writing to argue
              1. Use ARGUDAR to be more succsessful
              2. Anecdote=Telling a story to get a point across
                1. Pathetic falasy=When you give a non human thing human emotions.
                  1. E.G "The sky wept"
                  2. Dynamic verb=A moving word
                    1. Use alliteration to enphisise a certain point
                      1. Use it to enphisise the letter 'S'
                        1. OXOO structure
                          1. O=clearly state your argument
                            1. X=clearly dispel the opposing viewpoint in the argument
                              1. O=Develop your argument with examples
                                1. O=Reinforce your argument further with more examples
                          2. AFOREST Techniques
                            1. A=Alliteration
                              1. F=Facts
                                1. O=Opinions
                                  1. R=Repetition/Rhetorical Question
                                    1. E=Emotive language
                                      1. S=Statistics
                                        1. T-=Tripling
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