Critical Thinking


chapter 1 asking the write questions
Mind Map by Panahi, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Panahi over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Critical Thinking


  • critical thinking
  1. ability to ask and answer
    1. desire to ask questions
      1. awarness of a series of critical questions
      2. alternative thinking styles
        1. The sponge
          1. panning-for-gold
          2. Wishful Thinking is an obstacle to critical thinking
            1. Asking the right Questions
              1. Ask who cares? is it important to the majority of the community to put time and energy or not
                1. Arguement includes a conclusion and supporting reasons that keep the conversation going
                2. defend or evaluate and revise opinion on a topic
                  1. weak-sense
                    1. strong-sense
                    2. myth of the right answer is based on probability and not certainty
                      1. Primary Values of a Critical Thinker
                        1. autonomy
                          1. curosity
                            1. humility
                              1. respect for good reasoning
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