Evidence Based Care


Mind Map on Evidence Based Care, created by kerrypierson1 on 09/10/2013.
Mind Map by kerrypierson1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kerrypierson1 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Evidence Based Care
  1. Importance of research evidence - use research to help make sure that it will actually benefit the service user
    1. Benefits of Evidence Based Care
      1. Came to prominence in 1990's
        1. Harm
          1. Care not based on evidence - may cause harm
            1. Using research based evidence goes beyond what you assume to be the case i.e: everyone thinks that bed rest is need after surgery etc but in most cases it was not a benefit and in some made things worse
            2. Unnecessary interventions
              1. without research unnecessary treatments or interventions may be offered which do not benefit the user i.e : fetal monitoring - being made to stay on a bed wearing a belt which can lead to Caesarians
              2. Waste of resources
                1. resources may be wasted by providing care that doesnt work i.e: over prescribing of antibiotics
                2. Evidence based care means care offered is there because it works and not because of someones opinion or pronoucements of authorities
                  1. User less liely to rely on professionals judegment when research based care is available - service users more informed
                    1. Workers remain current - ever changing research in treatments and approaches
                    2. Problems with evidence based care
                      1. Whats best in general not best for individual
                        1. What works best is not always acceptable to someone
                          1. i.e: does it help them maintain dignity and independance - older people falling best evidence is todo muscle exercise but older people may feel this makes them look ridiculous
                          2. Missing Evidence
                            1. Very little good quality evidence for complex issues i.e: involving peoples personalities and individual situations
                            2. It rarely empowers service users
                              1. professionals decide on what gets researched, interpret findings and decide what it means for practice
                              2. Undervalues careworkers skills and experience
                                1. leaves little room for careworkers to assess complex personal situations - doesn't allow for intuitive knowledge
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