How To Analyse A Poem


Steps on how to analyse a poem
Amal S
Mind Map by Amal S, updated more than 1 year ago
Amal S
Created by Amal S about 9 years ago

Resource summary

How To Analyse A Poem
  1. Step 1
    1. Find your point.
      1. What do you want to say in the first place?
        1. Pick something to talk about
          1. This is your main focus
      2. Step 2
        1. Find evidence
          1. What part of the poem supports what you're saying?
            1. Pick specific words. What do they mean?
            2. Which parts fit in?
              1. Maybe pick more than one. Link them together
          2. Step 3
            1. Technique
              1. Look at your evidence
                1. Is it a simile? Metaphor? Alliteration?
                  1. How does this add to your point?
                    1. How does it make the poem more engaging?
            2. Step 4
              1. Explain
                1. BIG QUESTIONS
                  1. How?
                    1. Explain these two questions with evidence&technique and your in
                    2. Why?
                2. Step 5
                  1. The READER
                    1. What effect does it have on the reader?
                      1. What do they think
                        1. Why?
                          1. Refer back to the other steps
                  2. Step 6
                    1. OVERALL
                      1. Why is this important?
                        1. Your opinion
                          1. What the writer wanted?
                            1. Look at your point!
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