Object(instance): basic unit of object-oriented programming and represent real life entities.


the basic unit of object_orinented programming
Zixuan Qiu
Mind Map by Zixuan Qiu, updated more than 1 year ago
Zixuan Qiu
Created by Zixuan Qiu over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Object(instance): basic unit of object-oriented programming and represent real life entities.
  1. Field(optional): primitives or references to object.
    1. Also can refer to another object
      1. Method(optional): a class objects can do
        1. Declaration part (the signature of the method)
          1. Return value
            1. or primitive
              1. or object
                1. or void: null
                2. Mthod name
                  1. list of arguements
                  2. Body
                    1. code that perform the action
                    2. Main: a special method
                      1. Application : many class and only one need main method to be invoked
                      2. UML diagram: summary of all fields type and methods signature
                      3. Class: a blueprint or a template to create objects of identical type.Determine the object(name methods field)
                        1. >=1 Constructor
                          1. Like a method, but no return value, the same name with the class. the argument to initialize the field
                          2. allocate memory space for data that will be assigned to the vairable.
                            1. stack :pimitives
                              1. heap: JAVA object
                            2. Abstraction: the act of using programming object to represent a real-world object
                              1. >=1 reference variable
                                1. Null: no value .Test by operator
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