SAB4#66 Planning Cost (Project Cost Management - Overview)


Rita 267-269
Mind Map by anesio.benna, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anesio.benna about 9 years ago

Resource summary

SAB4#66 Planning Cost (Project Cost Management - Overview)
  1. Project management plan
    1. Project charter
      1. EEFs
        1. OPAs
          1. Cost management plan
            1. HR management plan
              1. Scope baseline
                1. Project schedule
                  1. Risk register
                    1. Activity cost estimates
                      1. Basis of estimates
                        1. Resource calendars
                          1. Agreements
                            1. Project funding requirements
                              1. Work performance data
                                1. Cost management plan
                                  1. Activity cost estimates
                                    1. Basis of estimates
                                      1. Project documents updates
                                        1. Cost baseline
                                          1. Project funding requirements
                                            1. Work performance information
                                              1. Cost forecasts
                                                1. Change requests
                                                  1. Project management plan updates
                                                    1. OPAs updates
                                                      1. 7.1 Plan Cost Management
                                                        1. 7.2 Estimate Costs
                                                          1. 7.3 Determine Budget
                                                            1. 7.4 Control Costs
                                                              1. Type of cost: VARIABLE or FIXED DIRECT or INDIRECT
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