Digital marketing and traditional market


que es cuadro comparativo
daniel leon
Mind Map by daniel leon, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by alerusi30 about 9 years ago
daniel leon
Copied by daniel leon over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Digital marketing and traditional market
  1. Is the creation of visibility and awareness to consumers about your business. The goal is that the message about your products or services ends up in front of someone who would potentially purchase it.
    1. Similarities
      1. Billboards: the easiest way to recognize some similarities is by looking at a billboard, then looking at banner ads
        1. Mail Brochures: using email instead of physical mail.
          1. Real time results: you can see the numbers of visitors to your site and its subscribers increase, peak trading times, conversion rates and much more at the touch of a button.
            1. Critical Reviews: reviews used to be done by paid food, music, movie, or product reviewers. They controlled who believed what about a product being sold.
            2. Differences
              1. Broadcast media: it is specialize in TV, radio, magazines, newspapers.
                1. Online video marketing: audiovisual material to promote a brand
                  1. Poor Campaign: results that you get from traditional marketing cannot be measured easily and efficiently.
                    1. Limited Customization Options: When you’re using online ads, you have the option to not only reach out to the right kind of customers, but also show them offers that are tailored towards them.
                      1. Little interactions: Traditional marketing is a one way street where a business is able to broadcast or provide information to their target audience about its product or service.
                        1. Digital Ads: with an ad you can modify and edit them according to the region, targeted audience, as well as update the promotions and calls to action.
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