Family Idioms


Family idioms 1st mind map
Elpiniki Atzolidaki
Mind Map by Elpiniki Atzolidaki, updated more than 1 year ago
Elpiniki Atzolidaki
Created by Elpiniki Atzolidaki over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Family Idioms
  1. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
    1. Like father, like son
      1. Like mother,like daughter
      2. a chip off the old block
        1. it runs in the family
          1. bad blood
            1. black sheep
              1. blood is thicker than water
                1. a father/mother figure
                  1. mum's the word
                    1. home truths
                      1. Bob's your uncle
                        1. kids' stuff
                          1. a close knit
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