3) What have you learned from your audience feedback? TV Listing


Mind Map on 3) What have you learned from your audience feedback? TV Listing, created by alice.winstone on 08/03/2015.
Mind Map by alice.winstone, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alice.winstone about 9 years ago

Resource summary

3) What have you learned from your audience feedback? TV Listing
                  1. The fact that no one said it did definitely look unprofessional means that it did. However two people did say they were unsure, which means that it wasn't completely professional like we hoped it would be. The general consensus of this question is positive though.
                    1. This question addressed whether it could be imagined to be in a TV magazine. Unfortunately almost 40% of people said no. This may be because its slightly less conventional than most magazines. However there was a good response of 5 people saying they could imagine it. Overall this was a bit of a weak area in terms of the magazine production.
                      1. This questioned whether the colour scheme was striking enough for the magazine. The average outcome was around 3 out of 5 which was "Quite striking". This was quite a good result and I feel like the colours used were very bold and added a very good effect. The lowest rating was "slightly" which obvioulsy isn't what we wanted. Perhaps the colours were too bright?
                        1. This showed a mixed reaction to the product as some people said they would watch the documentary but others said no. However the most common response was possibly which shows that there is an element of interest there but perhaps they wouldn't actually watch the documentary anyway regardless of what the double page spread was like. This, in hindsight, should've been specified before the questions were asked.
                          1. Overall the actual effectiveness of the headline was given almost a 4/5 which was very good. I think that the headline itself could've been more catchy but I'm glad that in general it got a good response. The headline may have worked even better if it was shorter or had a rhetorical feature as opposed to just a play on words.
                            1. Only one out of the whole selection of responses said that the article wasnt interesting. I think this is because as well as having facts and statistics, there was elements of the documentary used and quotes from famous people related to the topic. I think the article was well written and I'm glad it had a good response. Perhaps the one person who didnt find it interesting wasn't actually interested in the whole idea anyway.
                              1. In terms of elements of the magazine that they liked, the mentioned features were the structure to the page, the text boxes and the photos, specifically the film strip at the bottom of the page. These were all helpful to know our strengths in terms of the design and things that the target audience found appealing.
                                1. Improvements mentioned were the colour scheme. The colour yellow didnt seem to have a good response as it was said to be "too vibrant" and that it needs a darker colour to fit to the theme. I agree with the fact that the colour wasn't necessarily fitting to the theme that we had chosen and maybe a red or orange may have worked better. The general feedback also mentioned how it should look more like a real magazine listing meaning that it looks like it was made by a student. Using the other feedback I think we could've worked on this to make it look more professional and fitting to a real TV magazine.
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