

Mind Map on Holes, created by menai newbould on 21/04/2020.
menai newbould
Mind Map by menai newbould, updated more than 1 year ago
menai newbould
Created by menai newbould about 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. technique
    1. one word sentences
      1. "Usually"
        1. "Always"
        2. talking to reader
          1. "The reader is probably asking 'Why would anyone go to Camp Green Lake?' "
          2. simple sentences
            1. "You won't die"
              1. "The Warden owns the shade"
                1. "You will die a slow and painful death"
              2. Setting
                1. not much shade - vast emptiness
                  1. ironic name - no lake, no green
                    1. history
                      1. "there was a village"
                        1. "that was over a hundred years ago"
                        2. dreaded - either jail or Camp Green Lake
                        3. characters
                          1. Warden
                            1. ruler
                              1. bossy
                                1. likes things done own way
                                2. Stanley
                                  1. large
                                    1. innocent
                                      1. poor family
                                        1. happy
                                          1. peaceful
                                            1. nice
                                        2. Plot
                                          1. 'bad boys dig holes become good boys'
                                            1. yellow spotted lizard
                                              1. always die
                                                1. slow
                                                  1. painful
                                                  2. Yelnats' curse
                                                    1. bad luck
                                                      1. great-great granddad - after stole a pig, owner curses him & descendants
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