

Mind Map on Pedagogy, created by Luisa Z on 10/03/2015.
Luisa Z
Mind Map by Luisa Z, updated more than 1 year ago
Luisa Z
Created by Luisa Z about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Discipline that studies education through theories of teaching and learning
    1. Learning: Process of acquisition of knowledge.
      1. Teaching. Process of transfering knowledge
        1. Education: The wealth of knowledge acquired by an individual after studying particular subject matters or experiencing life lessons that provide an understanding of something.
          1. Didactics: professional and scientific basis for the teaching profession (Kansanen 1990: 17). It's the organization of teaching.
            1. Contents
              1. Student: Learner
                1. Teacher: The one who provides education
                  1. Methodology: Set or system of methods, principles, and rules for regulating education.
                    1. How to teach?
                      1. Method: procedure, technique, or way of teaching. Activities.
                        1. Assessment: wide variety of methods that educators use to evaluate, measure, and document the on going process of learning, according to the objectives.
                          1. Evaluation: Final balance, result of the course.
                        2. Approach: Beliefs. How teacher conceives language, teaching and learning process.
                          1. Communicative
                            1. Grammar
                              1. Structuralism
                                1. Eclecticism
                          2. Basis for delimitating goals and principles of education
                            1. General questions like: -What to teach, Why, Where, When, Who, How...
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