Belonging in Strictly Ballroom


HSC English (Belonging) Mind Map on Belonging in Strictly Ballroom, created by latavae on 09/24/2013.
Mind Map by latavae, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by latavae over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Belonging in Strictly Ballroom
  1. Implicit and Complicit
    1. Result of Conscious Choice
      1. Stronger more meaningful with integrity and authenticity
      2. Born into no choice
        1. Limits the sense of belonging to self "blood"
        2. Scott is given the choice between his familial relationship or self integrity
          1. Being true to himself 'The beat' or Conform to familial expectation
            1. The slap scene
            2. The spanish community 'wrong side of the tracks represents Scotts self integrity
              1. Evident through the choice between Fran or Tina
              2. There May be Choices Not to belong
                1. Evident through Scott's rejection to the ruling of the hegemonic Barry Fife
                  1. Doug spends most of his time in isolation and not to belong due to fear
                    1. Fran's choice not to belong to her position society places on her
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