An investigation into the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on financial markets.


Mindmap to support Step 1.6 of the EPQ MOOC
Will Dunlop
Mind Map by Will Dunlop, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
TEL Bath
Created by TEL Bath over 7 years ago
Will Dunlop
Copied by Will Dunlop over 4 years ago

Resource summary

An investigation into the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on financial markets.
  1. Easy to fit with the EPQ requirements
    1. My idea is appropriate for the AO's of the EPQ
      1. The topic isn't dependant on the cooperation of others which will allow me to work independently
    2. Time
      1. I have 6 months to complete my EPQ
        1. I believe the topic I have chosen gives me enough scope to study in depth and gather sufficient research
      2. Achievability
        1. I think that my project has enough scope
          1. It isn't to broad a title the the project is impossible to finish, but it isn't too focused either
        2. Personal interests
          1. The background theme of Economics in my project is something that interest me
          2. Help available
            1. I don't need much assistance in researching my topic
              1. I am confident that there is enough sources to research my topic in depth
            2. Your motivation
              1. I am doing the EPQ to strength my university application, preparing me for university study, and to explore a personal interest of mine
                1. This Economic topic will enhance my application to study Economics at university
              2. Ease of finding information
                1. Given the current relevancy of the topic, it looks like it will be easy to find the information needed
                2. Current coursework
                  1. In my Economics A Level, we don't look at this topic specifically
                  2. Ethics
                    1. I believe my topic is ethical and safe to pursue
                    2. Current knowledge
                      1. Due to studying Economics at GCSE and A Level, I have some background knowledge in this area
                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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